Lansky is a crime thriller film that delves into the untold true story of Meyer Lansky, the infamous mobster and mastermind behind organized crime. Set in Miami during the 1980s, the film follows a writer who befriends Lansky and gets pulled into a dangerous investigation involving Nazi spies, FBI surveillance, and a secret crime syndicate. As the timelines intertwine, Lansky's past and present collide, revealing the dark secrets and violent history of the man who ruled the underworld. With shocking twists and gripping suspense, Lansky is a thrilling tale of power, betrayal, and survival.
Convicts 4 is a 1962 biographical drama film based on the autobiography written by John Resko, a New York City artist who was imprisoned for armed robbery. The film follows Resko's experiences in Sing Sing prison, including his interactions with fellow inmates, prison guards, and his struggle to maintain his sanity.
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