Borgen is a drama TV show set in Copenhagen, Denmark, that follows the story of Birgitte Nyborg, a woman who becomes the first female prime minister of Denmark. The show explores the challenges she faces in balancing her political career, family relationships, and the intricate world of Danish politics. It also delves into themes of democracy, government, and the complexities of power.
In 'King's Game,' a Danish politician's death sparks a scandal involving a smear campaign, conspiracy, and an investigation into local politics. As journalists and political candidates get involved, dark secrets are exposed, and the truth becomes a matter of life and death.
Danish documentary in two parts about Danish right wing politician Inger Støjberg and her fans
In 2019, thousands of Danish children and youths took to the streets. They stayed away from school to demonstrate for the climate, mobilise their parents and grandparents, and demand action – now! When elections were called later the same year, it was clear that green climate policies attracted voters, and suddenly the climate was at the top of the political agenda. ‘70⁄30’ portrays the creation of one of the world’s most ambitious climate laws, with the goal of reducing Denmark’s CO2 emissions by 70% by 2030. But will the politicians, citizens and industry be able to come together to make Denmark a green pioneer? Or will the election promises and green ambitions crumble when the new climate law is faced with reality?
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