Follow the Money (2016) is a captivating Nordic noir crime drama series that follows the intertwining lives of a corporate lawyer, a mechanic, a police detective, and an ex-convict as they get entangled in a web of financial crimes, money trails, and corruption. Set in Denmark, the series delves into the dark underbelly of capitalism, greed, and corporate crime, while highlighting the challenges faced by a single parent with sclerosis and the pursuit of renewable energy.
In Denmark, a police detective investigates a missing person case involving a stolen child. As she digs deeper, she uses DNA evidence to uncover shocking secrets and unravel a complex web of crimes. With the help of a French detective, they navigate the dark underworld of baby trafficking and try to bring justice to the families affected. Set in the 2010s, this Nordic noir crime drama keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its thrilling storyline and unique blend of mystery and suspense.
When a message in a bottle is discovered in Denmark, it leads to a cold case investigation involving a missing child and religious fundamentalism. A police detective and his partner must unravel the conspiracy to bring justice.
Enforcement is a gripping drama set in Copenhagen, Denmark, following a uniformed police officer who finds himself in hot water after using excessive force during a routine patrol. As tensions rise and the media gets involved, he must navigate the aftermath and confront the choices he made. This intense and thought-provoking film explores themes of power, accountability, and the challenges faced by law enforcement officers.
In 1961 Denmark, a traumatized woman's body is found in a hidden room. Detective Carl Mørck and his team from Afdeling Q reopen the cold case, leading them to uncover a conspiracy involving murders, sexual abuse, and police corruption. As they dig deeper into the investigation, they face threats and obstacles that put their lives at risk.
In Northwest Denmark, a single mother gets caught up in the dangerous world of a biker gang. She becomes entangled in crimes such as gangland murders, stolen property, and drug trafficking. As tensions rise, she must navigate the complexities of the gang's violent activities while trying to protect her family.
The Guardian Angel is a psychological thriller based on a true story that takes place in 1950s Denmark. It follows the story of a police officer who becomes obsessed with capturing a Nazi war criminal. As he delves deeper into the case, he starts to uncover dark secrets and hidden pasts. The plot explores themes of guilt, mind control, and manipulation.
A U.S. lawman busts Copenhagen counterfeiters to help his sister, falsely accused of murder.
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