Follow the Money (2016) is a captivating Nordic noir crime drama series that follows the intertwining lives of a corporate lawyer, a mechanic, a police detective, and an ex-convict as they get entangled in a web of financial crimes, money trails, and corruption. Set in Denmark, the series delves into the dark underbelly of capitalism, greed, and corporate crime, while highlighting the challenges faced by a single parent with sclerosis and the pursuit of renewable energy.
Held for Ransom is a gripping movie that tells the story of a photojournalist taken hostage in Syria. As a hostage negotiator works tirelessly to secure her release, the movie explores the brutal realities of war, terrorism, and the lengths people will go to survive.
A husband and wife in 1920s Denmark navigate the challenges of their relationship and society's expectations of gender roles. The film explores themes of feminism, women's rights, and the changing dynamics of the household. As their marriage faces strain, the couple must confront their own biases and work towards a more equal partnership.
The Day We Died is a gripping docudrama that tells the story of a terror attack in Copenhagen, Denmark in the year 2015. The film follows the intense events that unfolded during the attack, with a particular focus on the bravery and heroism of a security guard and a police officer. Through the lens of a documentary filmmaker, the film explores the themes of freedom of speech and the impact of such tragic incidents on a community.
A documentary about the famous Danish film director Carl Th. Dreyer, made a few years before he died. In this film Dreyer tells about the style in his feature films and about the important things in film making: the script and the casting. He tells about his theories about setting and acting.
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