The TV show follows the life of Daniel Boone, a folk hero and frontiersman, as he explores the American frontier during the 18th and 19th centuries. The series focuses on his interactions with Native Americans, particularly the Cherokee, and his involvement in the American Revolution.
Daniel Boone leads settlers into Kentucky, but must battle Shawnee Indians who have been persuaded by a French renegade that Boone and the settlers are there to kill them and steal their land.
In 1775, Daniel Boone settles Kentucky, despite menacing Indians and renegade whites.
Young Dan'l Boone is a short-lived TV series broadcast on CBS for only four episodes from September 12 to October 10, 1977. The series followed Daniel Boone on his adventures before he was married. His 3 companions were Peter Dawes, a 12-year-old English boy, a runaway slave named Hawk, and a Cherokee named Tsiskwa. Meanwhile, Rebecca Bryan waits at home hoping she and Daniel would marry someday.
The scout's grandson foils land-grabbers; his sidekick flirts with twins.
In pre-revolutionary war days, Daniel Boone captures the white renegade Simon Gerty but lets him go. After Boone moves from North Carolina to homestead in Kentucky, Gerty reappears. This time Gerty kills the Chief's son saying it was a white man and this sends the Indians on the warpath.
Pioneers and a family man leave Virginia for Kentucky during the Revolutionary War.
The big bad cats are the villains/Indians, and the little mice are the settlers going west in their little covered wagons, and the Indians are on a rampage about it. Things look dark indeed for the settlers when the likes of Buffalo Bill, General Custer and Daniel Boone are unable to defeat the attacking cats but...wait...up in the comes the singing, flying mouse...Mighty Mouse. Not recommended for Revisionists.
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