Total Drama Island is a reality spoof TV show set on an island where contestants compete in dangerous stunts and face manipulation, betrayal, and competition. The show takes place at a summer camp in Ontario, Canada and features flash animation. The contestants must survive various challenges, including a crash landing, shark encounters, and animal cruelty. The show combines humor and satire to create a fictional reality TV experience.
When a group of social outcasts awaken a multi-eyed monster in their frat house, they must work together to throw the wildest party ever to appease the monster and save their house. But things take a dangerous turn when a dimensional portal opens, bringing chaos and unexpected challenges to the party.
Stunt Rock is a movie about a daredevil stuntman who joins a struggling rock band. Together, they face various obstacles such as recording studio dramas, backstage conflicts, and romantic turmoil. The movie also features thrilling stunts and dangerous acts, adding excitement to the story. It showcases the journey of the stuntman and his experiences in the world of rock and roll.
Dr. Steve-O is an American reality television series starring Steve-O, Trishelle Cannatella and Reggie Pace. The show first premiered on October 1, 2007, it aired Monday nights at 11:05 pm Eastern / 10:05 pm Central, immediately after WWE Raw, on the USA Network. The show ended on November 12, 2007.
Two Hollywood stuntmen compete for the same pretty extra.
Roselyne and the Lions is a comedy, drama, and romance film set in Munich, Germany. The story revolves around a young woman seeking a job in a circus. She becomes a lion tamer and must face danger while performing dangerous stunts with the wild animals. The film also explores themes of misogyny and a complicated relationship between an ex-teacher and student. As Roselyne rehearses for her shows and deals with the circus manager, she experiences panic attacks and learns to overcome them. Through a thrilling storyline filled with circus acts, whips, champagne, and a touch of romance, Roselyne uncovers her true passion for the circus world.
A video album by the American punk rock band The Offspring featuring various extreme sport athletes preforming stunts to The Offspring's songs.
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