Wildboyz is a thrilling and hilarious TV show that follows the adventures of two friends as they travel to various remote locations and interact with wild and dangerous animals. Combining comedy, adventure, and documentary-style elements, the show showcases the duo's daring stunts, unexpected encounters, and humorous reactions. From wrestling crocodiles to getting up close with deadly snakes, these wildboys push the limits of their own courage and entertain audiences with their unconventional antics.
In a world where dragons exist, a group of hunters led by Captain Ahab is obsessed with killing the largest dragon, Moby Dick. As their hunt becomes increasingly dangerous and their obsession consumes them, they spiral into a downward spiral of revenge and unfulfillment.
After a genetically altered dog escapes from a laboratory, it terrorizes a suburban neighborhood by attacking and killing its residents. A detective and a journalist team up to stop the killer dog and uncover the truth behind the experiments.
Wildlife presenter Steve Backshall tracks down 60 of the world's deadliest animals.
Explore the diverse wildlife of Latin America and the dangerous animals that inhabit this region in this thrilling TV mini-series.
Venture into the wild and discover the diverse and dangerous creatures that inhabit Asia. From venomous snakes to deadly predators, witness the beauty and ferocity of nature in this awe-inspiring TV show.
A young immigrant woman participates in a mysterious game that leads to emotional torture and a shocking twist. Based on a true story, it explores the dark side of the human psyche and the lengths people will go to survive.
In each and every one of these action packed hours, Gordon Buchanan is on a personal and dangerous mission to really KNOW a MANEATER -an animal that has killed or even eaten a human. But as populations of the planet's apex predators decrease, the number of attacks on humans increases. Buchanan wants to go to the places where man still battles beast and put himself 'directly in the path' of a predator to find out.
Documentary series examining the most dangerous and most feared animals on the planet.
Ocean's Deadliest is a documentary that explores the diverse and dangerous creatures of the ocean, including octopuses, jellyfish, great white sharks, and more. Join the journey through the Australian waters and the Great Barrier Reef to witness the wonders and perils of underwater wildlife.
After maulings and killings across the UK, a colourful bunch of owners battle to save the lives of their beloved XL bully dogs in the run-up to a government ban.
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