Lord Love a Duck is a satirical comedy set in Los Angeles, following the story of a high school student named Alan Musgrave who is determined to make his dreams of success and popularity come true. With the help of a beautiful and manipulative woman named Barbara Ann Greene, Alan goes to great lengths to achieve his goals, leading to a series of outrageous and comedic events.
Muscle Beach Party is a fun-filled beach party movie set in the 1960s. It follows the adventures of a group of teenagers who visit Muscle Beach and get involved in music, comedy, and bodybuilding. The movie is filled with humor, music, and lots of beach party fun.
In this 1960s comedy, a wild bikini causes chaos on a tropical island as multiple love triangles form. With songs, dances, and plenty of laughs, this movie is a fun-filled romp set in Tahiti.
Bikini Beach is a lively musical comedy set in the sunny beaches of Malibu, California. It follows the misadventures of a group of teenagers as they navigate love, rivalry, and pop music fame. Surrounded by the beauty of the Pacific Ocean, they find themselves in hilarious situations, competing in surf contests, and getting caught up in a whirlwind of songs and dances.
Two spectacular dance projects show how a young generation of dancers from all over the world are rediscovering Pina's choreography: the Semperoper Ballet Company in Dresden rehearses Pina's dance opera Iphigenia in Tauris, and dancers from all over Africa rehearse Pina's ballet Le Sacre du Printemps at the École des Sables in Senegal. A fascinating metamorphosis: while the dancers of street dance, classical ballet, traditional and modern African dance transform Pina's work, Pina's choreography transforms the dancers.
In "Delfinen," a woman is caught in a heartbreaking tragedy when her 7-year-old son dies. She struggles to come to terms with her loss and experiences a loss of reality. As she navigates through her grief, she finds solace in swimming, the beach, and a dolphin that brings unexpected joy. Through her journey, she discovers the importance of relationships and finding strength in unexpected places.
Two spectacular dance projects show how a young generation of dancers from all over the world are rediscovering Pina's choreography: the Semperoper Ballet Company in Dresden rehearses plot1, and dancers from all over Africa rehearse plot2 at the École des Sables in Senegal. A fascinating metamorphosis: while the dancers of street dance, classical ballet, traditional and modern African dance transform Pina's work, Pina's choreography transforms the dancers.
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