Water Drops on Burning Rocks is a provocative and complex drama that explores themes of love, sexuality, and betrayal. Set in the 1970s, the movie follows the story of an older man who becomes involved with a younger man, only to discover a web of secrets and hidden desires. With elements of comedy and romance, the film delves into the complexities of relationships and the struggles faced by individuals in discovering their own sexual identity.
Raymart Santiago stars as the title character of this thrilling biopic that chronicles a local thief’s action-packed reputation by emulating an infamous American gangster. When shady officials try to test him, he makes sure to show them that he’s more than just a namesake.
A young girl arrives in New York City from Ohio determined to make it in the big city, but circumstances result in her becoming a waitress, then a prostitute.
In the year 1997, a murder investigation takes place on a Martian colony. As tensions rise, a detective must navigate a futuristic world and a dangerous conspiracy to solve the case.
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