Moulin Rouge is a biographical drama set in 19th century Paris, highlighting the life of Toulouse-Lautrec, the famous artist. The story revolves around love, art, and the cabaret culture of Montmartre. It explores the struggles, relationships, and passions of the characters amidst the vibrant and bohemian atmosphere of the Moulin Rouge.
A group of Catholic schoolgirls from Glasgow, Scotland travel to Edinburgh for a singing competition. Along the way, they navigate friendship, coming-of-age experiences, and conversations about sex.
A girl and a boy live apart men, with just dogs ans internet for company. In their isolation, they try to live their love as freely as possible.
After his wife is assaulted by members of a satanic cult, a former cop takes the law into his own hands, seeking revenge and justice. As he delves deeper into the dark underworld of the cult, he uncovers a web of corruption involving a corrupt judge and a dangerous drug trade. With the help of an unlikely ally, he sets out on a mission to bring down the cult and bring justice to those who have been wronged.
In the film 'Blackout', set in London, a man finds himself in a twisted web of lies and coincidences after being framed for murder. With a femme fatale at the center of the mystery, he must uncover the truth to clear his name.
A rich mining baron threatens the peace of a small town in the Cordilleras by opening a mine on sacred ancestral land of the Maranggani tribe. Local police chief Ricardo and his team of native cops stand up to the baron and his goons to reclaim their homeland.
Accused of killing a woman on a train, Sharon Carlin runs home to find another corpse there too!
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