The Wedding Night tells the story of a struggling writer and his troubled marriage, set against the backdrop of a rural farm. As the couple navigates their marital problems and the pressures of their rural lifestyle, they must confront their own inner demons and make tough decisions about their relationship. With themes of love, loss, and redemption, this film explores the complexities of human emotions and the challenges of marriage.
A scarf, a chainsaw, and a mysterious blonde are the only clues to a growing number of stiffs (and not all of them are dead bodies!) Who can the police turn to? Harry Bates, of course, the smartest officer on the force. TOO BAD HARRY CAN’T OUTWIT A HOUSEPLANT! Lucky for him he has his trusted partner Dick Smoker and his faithful dog (who seems to be a guy in a dog suit) to help him solve the case. The only suspects are a pair of beautiful sisters, Montana and Dakota. When the trigger happy Harry gets romantically involved with the twin half step-sisters will he lose more than his cool? Inspired lunacy ensues as BLONDES HAVE MORE GUNS parodies the likes of PULP FICTION and INDECENT PROPOSAL with razor… er… chainsaw sharp wit!
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