Tazza: One Eyed Jack is a gripping crime drama that follows a talented gambler on a quest for revenge. Filled with action and suspense, the film explores the twisted underworld of gambling and the consequences of deceit and backstabbing. As the protagonist navigates through a web of schemes and gambling debts, he must rely on his wit, teamwork, and slight-of-hand skills to outsmart his enemies and survive the dangerous world he finds himself in.
Our Dancing Daughters is a silent film that follows the lives of three young women in the 1920s. The story explores themes of friendship, love, jealousy, and the societal expectations placed on women during the time. The film showcases the vibrant and rebellious spirit of the Jazz Age, as well as the challenges faced by women navigating relationships and societal norms.
Tommy, home from school, is infatuated with his father's secretary, so he goes to their office to try to tell her.After quoting much poetry, he finds she loves another, causing more quotes.
Victoria marries David, the man of her dreams. After a number of years and two children, the marriage turns out not to be what she had expected. Then she discovers her faith, and everything turns out for the best. In several scenes Victoria has visions of love and marriage throughout history: she appears in the Stone Age, with a tribe of Amazonians, in the Middle Ages and in the Roman era.
Enokida Trading Post is a second-hand shop run by Yojiro Enokida , whose personal mantra is, "Anything but garbage. We take it all." The shop serves as a gathering place for employees and regular customers, who come with troubles in hand. One summer day, part of the shop's sign falls down. Yojiro thinks this is a sign that something spectacular is about to happen, and indeed their problems take on lives of their own from that day onward.
Damaged Goods follows the journey of a young man battling with alcohol and drug abuse, depression, and low self-esteem. Set in Los Angeles, the film explores themes of bullying, homophobia, and internalized homophobia. With the support of his friends, he confronts his demons and fights for a better life. Along the way, he discovers love, redemption, and the strength to overcome his past.
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