In Alien Expedition, a team of explorers ventures into space to explore an alien world. During their mission, they come across a deadly alien creature. As they try to survive and escape, they face various challenges and encounters, including sniper attacks, damaged androids, and a humanoid robot. The plot also involves a human-android relationship and explores themes of survival and betrayal. Ultimately, the group must find a way to defeat the alien creature and make it back to their spacecraft.
In the near-distant future, a female romance writer is planning to write her next book in a remote mountain cabin. A friend convinces her to bring along a "companion", a nearly-human android to cook and clean. She settles on a male companion named "Geoffrey." Bored with some of Geoffrey's behavior, she tinkers with his programming -- first his personality, then his sexuality. Real trouble comes when she gives his mind access to "random data."
When Hal discovers and restores a damaged android he must let go of the past in order to give the living a chance at a future.
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