Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is set in a bleak future where cyborg assassins known as Terminators are sent back in time to kill John Connor, the future leader of the human resistance. In order to protect her son, Sarah Connor teams up with a reprogrammed Terminator and together they fight against the machines.
In a crime-ridden Detroit, a cyborg police officer battles against a cyborg villain who is terrorizing the city. As the violence escalates, RoboCop must navigate a web of corruption and face off against powerful enemies to save the city from destruction.
The Centurions is a TV show about a group of heroes who use special suits equipped with advanced technology to fight against evil forces. They can become powerful in three different ways - air, land, and sea. With their unique abilities and teamwork, they strive to keep the world safe from various threats.
In Terror of Mechagodzilla, a scientist creates a powerful cyborg named Mechagodzilla to defend Earth from the destructive force of Godzilla. As Mechagodzilla battles Godzilla, the scientist must also confront an alien invasion disguised as humans. With the help of Interpol and a love interest, he must save the world from total destruction.
In Flesh Wounds, a team of mercenaries find themselves being hunted by a deadly cyborg villain. They soon discover that they have been set up by a secret military experiment and must fight for their survival. With advanced technology like cloaking devices and heat vision, the cyborg villain proves to be a formidable enemy. As the team navigates through a treacherous island and dense forest, they uncover a secret military project and must stop the general behind it before it's too late.
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