In a futuristic city, a cyborg policewoman named Major Motoko Kusanagi and her partner, Batou, are on a mission to hunt down a notorious hacker known as the Puppet Master. As they investigate, they uncover a conspiracy involving government agents, cyber terrorism, and the nature of consciousness. With high-tech gadgets and intense action, they must navigate a world where the human mind and technology merge to discover the truth.
In the near future, the vast majority of humans are augmented with cybernetics, enhancing various traits like vision, strength, and intelligence. Mira Killian is a human saved from a crash and turned into a cyber-enhanced soldier. She joins Section 9, an anti-terrorist bureau, and works with her team to stop criminals. As Killian dives into the AI of a hacked geisha, she uncovers a mysterious hacker named Kuze. Killian's past is revealed to be a lie, and she seeks answers while evading her own organization's attempts to kill her. With the help of her team, Killian embraces her true identity and confronts those who deceived her.
Hackers Wanted explores the origins and nature of hackers and hacking by following the adventures of Adrian Lamo, and contrasting his story with that of controversial figures throughout history.
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