In the 1980s, in a near-future Glasgow, a TV reporter with a terminal illness is chosen to participate in a fictional reality show. The show follows the lives of people with short life expectancies, broadcasting their experiences to the public. As the reporter begins to form relationships with the other participants, he navigates the invasion of privacy, sensationalism, and unethical practices of the show. The story takes a tragic turn as the reporter's illness worsens and he faces the threat of death. The movie explores themes of privacy, sensationalism, and the impact of media on society.
Host Scott Forrest presents a curated compilation of eight independent short films in this rapid-fire science-fiction feature. Genres collide, narratives twist, aesthetics clash, and even humor, both campy and dystopian, showcase the vast creative possibilities of each story's individual world, offering the viewer a brief glimpse into the lives of every character's attempt to survive the otherworldly chaos around them. Released in 2001, the selected shorts span original creation dates of 1997 to 2001; most of the featured filmmakers also appear as themselves in short video interviews to talk about their inspirations, creative process and motivations while working on their individual shorts.
Saber Raine, a cybernetically enhanced mercenary, embarks on a mission to save the universe from evil marauders. Along the way, he encounters strange creatures, sword fights, and battles in a space opera like no other. With his trusty robot companion by his side, Saber Raine must face his own past and navigate through a world of campy B-movie wonders.
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