Spicy City is an animated sci-fi anthology series set in a dystopian future where corruption and crime are rampant. Each episode follows different characters caught in the dark underbelly of a futuristic city. From murder and betrayal to human trafficking and cyber romance, the show explores the various aspects of this gritty world.
From Singapore to Hong Kong to Macau, 3 different women with different lives experience the same situation of falling in love with 2 men and how they deal with the dilemma. In Singapore, meet Joy who's torn between her boss and an idealistic baker. In Hong Kong, Cherry dreams of the strong, macho type but also wants the sweet, sensitive New-Age guy. In Macau, Cecilia and Chun-Nam have been an item since high school. The passion dies, as it always does, and while working in Macau, Cecilia meets old schoolmate Tung. One night, Cecilia sleeps with both Chun-Nam and Tung, and gets pregnant.
How much do our personal search queries reveal about us? On August 4, 2006, the search queries of 650,000 AOL users accidentally ended up online. The Minimovie I Love Alaska by Lernert Engelberts and Sander Plug reveals the heartbreaking search history of user #711391…
"Login" is a Hindi feature film about three different individuals and how the Internet and social networking sites affect their lives...
Taliya.Date.Com is a heartfelt documentary that follows Taliya, a young woman from Tel Aviv, Israel, as she navigates the world of online dating in search of her perfect match. With the help of Photoshop, poetry, and her own creative process, Taliya explores the ups and downs of cyber-romance, blind dates, and the quest for true love.
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