When a young woman named Frances finds a lost handbag on the subway, she decides to return it to its rightful owner, a woman named Greta. However, Frances soon discovers that Greta is not who she seems to be. As Greta's obsession with Frances grows, Frances finds herself trapped in a terrifying situation, fighting for her life.
In this revenge thriller, a writer-director seeks revenge on criminals who have ruined his life. As he navigates the criminal underworld, he is faced with violence, betrayal, and police corruption. Set in England, this British noir explores themes of revenge, crime, and redemption.
After serving 15 years in a psychiatric hospital, Marina Hess returns home to confront the terrifying urban legend she created as a child: Mercy Black. As she reconnects with her sister and nephew, Marina's mental state begins to deteriorate as she becomes convinced that Mercy Black is real and seeks to stop her from harming anyone else.
In 19th-century Spain, a French soldier embarks on a brutal manhunt in Catalonia during the Peninsular War. The soldier confronts violence, brutality, and death as he hunts down a dangerous fugitive. Along the way, he faces challenges such as crossing mountains, surviving in the forest, and dealing with the complexity of war. With each step, the soldier's journey becomes more harrowing and tests his loyalty and humanity.
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