During World War II, a group of children in a rural village engage in a fierce rivalry, using garment buttons as their weapons. The war escalates, with secret codes, betrayal, and humiliation, as they fight for control of their village.
During the 1960s in rural Ireland, a group of boys engage in a war of pranks and sabotage against a rival group, seeking revenge and asserting their dominance. The war escalates, leading to surprising and sometimes violent consequences for the boys involved.
Set in a small French village during the 1910s, War of the Buttons follows the hilarious and often outrageous war between two gangs of children. The boys from the neighboring villages engage in various battles, using unconventional weapons like slingshots and handmade wooden swords. The story unfolds as the children go to great lengths to outwit and outmaneuver each other, leading to unexpected alliances and betrayals. Amidst the chaos, the film explores themes of friendship, tradition, and the innocent rivalry of childhood.
In a small French village in 1944, two rival groups of children engage in a war of buttons. Amidst the chaos and violence, friendships are formed and tested. The children learn about betrayal, loyalty, and the true cost of war.
A prosecutor investigates a series of love crimes involving seduction and deception. As she delves deeper, she gets entangled in a dangerous web of secrets and disguises. Can she unravel the truth before it's too late?
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