Brainiac: Science Abuse is a comedic and surreal TV show that features bizarre scientific experiments and abuses. The show combines elements of comedy, documentary, and dark humor to entertain and educate viewers. Each episode showcases various scientific experiments and stunts, often performed in a humorous and unconventional manner. The show also delves into topics like electricity, the human body, and non-fictional scientific phenomena. With its combination of comedy, reenactment, and scientific exploration, Brainiac: Science Abuse offers a unique and entertaining viewing experience.
A young drifter named Joe becomes involved in a murder investigation after he discovers a woman's body in the river. As the investigation unfolds, Joe's dark past and complicated relationships are revealed.
Vatel, the head steward of a prince, is tasked with organizing a lavish feast to impress the king. As he deals with the demands of the royal court, he also finds himself falling in love and facing the challenges of the Baroque era.
Leo is a gripping drama that tells the story of a grieving widower who navigates through his struggles of loss, suspicion, and infidelity. The movie explores themes of love, betrayal, and redemption.
Five years after a hit-and-run accident kills his wife, a distraught metalworker comes face to face with the man behind the steering wheel.
Little Tony is a dark comedy that explores the complexities of marital problems and open marriages. The story follows a couple who decides to enter an open marriage, leading to a series of hilarious and unexpected events. With themes of lust, adultery, and unconventional relationships, the movie offers a humorous take on the challenges of modern relationships.
It's Not Custard is the darkly comic story of Louise, a teenager suffering unrelenting acne and continual bullying, at home from her cruel older sister Jennifer, and at school from tormentors in and out of class. She wishes to cease their teasing and she is presented with such an opportunity when she awakes to find her acne gone. However, this magical gift has a bizarre consequence...and it's one that favours our hero.
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