Twenty-Four Eyes is a heartwarming drama set in rural Japan during the 1920s to 1940s. It follows the story of a dedicated schoolteacher and her students as they navigate through the challenges of life, including poverty, cultural conservatism, militarism, and the impact of war. The film explores themes of nationalism, imperialism, patriotism, and the importance of education in shaping the lives of young individuals.
A ramshackle underground SF satire set and shot in the self-absorbed art world of lower Manhattan, written, produced, and directed by Joe Gibbons, who also plays one of the lead parts. Gibbons plays a mad scientist who's developed a technique for transferring personalities from one person's body to another; he becomes obsessed with an outlaw artist (played by performance artist Karen Finley) who destroys paintings in various galleries as a form of anarchist, anticapitalist protest.
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