The House of Yes is a dark comedy about a dysfunctional family with a disturbing secret. Set in McLean, Virginia in the 1980s, it revolves around a mentally ill woman named Jackie-O. She is obsessed with the Kennedy family and believes she is Jacqueline Kennedy. When her twin brother Marty brings his fiancee home for Thanksgiving, chaos ensues as the family's secrets are unraveled.
The Cuckoo is a movie set in Lapland during World War II. The story revolves around a Captain, a Finnish woman, and a Russian soldier who are all forced to coexist in a small cabin. Despite their language barriers and cultural differences, they learn to understand and rely on each other, forming a unique bond. The movie explores themes of friendship, patriotism, and the effects of war on individuals.
In the 1930s, a robin is found dead, leading to a trial where various bird characters are suspects. As the trial proceeds, surreal elements and anthropomorphic animals add to the intrigue. The judge, prosecutor, and police officer try to uncover the truth, while the defendant fights for their life.
Swans, peacocks, ducks, and more birds dance.
Mother Goose Melodies is a musical animation that brings to life various nursery rhymes, including characters like Humpty Dumpty, the black sheep, and Little Bo Peep. Mother Goose and her rhyming creatures go on fun adventures filled with music and laughter.
When a grieving father and his family adopt a young girl, they soon discover that she is not what she seems. As supernatural events start to occur and people around them start dying, they realize that they have brought an evil force into their home. With their lives in danger, they must find a way to stop the evil before it's too late.
The Pink Panther has problems waking up in the morning and buys a cuckoo clock, but it causes more problems.
A cat is driven up the wall by the inhabitant of the cuckoo clock, so he spends the film trying to catch him.
A cuckoo falls in love with a beautiful robin. The only thing that’s holding him back is... his cuckoo clock.
A dark comedy about a family taking care of their vampire daughter.
Marie Kaufmann has to face an unusual interview that decides not only her own fate.
Cuckoos are brood parasites who they lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species, a clever trick that spares the rearing and feeding of their own offspring. Why do other parent birds let this happen? Are they too stupid? Too inept? Or simply clueless? None of the above!
Gabby is a servant in a castle and is required to do a little housework.
A silent ornithology film from Bray Studios
A feline organ grinder wanders by Farmer Al Falfa's house making some very bad music. Farmer Al Falfa chases him away. Later, the old man chases two roosters up a tree. One of the roosters, improbably, lays an egg and throws it at Al Falfa. The old man climbs up the tree with a handsaw. He sits on the same branch as the roosters, and begins sawing it off. The roosters jump from the branch into a hole in the tree. Al Falfa doesn't realize what he's doing until he saws the branch clean through. Cartoon magic is on his side: the tree falls, but the branch stays in place. Later, a delivery man drops off a large package. Al Falfa is surprised to see that it's a robot. The robot performs a dance, and Al Falfa feels compelled to mimic him. The robot kicks Farmer Al Falfa in the behind. Al Falfa does the same to the robot, which causes it to grow so tall it reaches outer space.
At a cartoon studio, a drawing of a jitterbug comes to life and encourages the other drawings to dance and sing. Meanwhile, the cuckoo bird in the cuckoo clock is desperate for sleep.
A hungry cat swallows a bird from a cuckoo clock. He is rushed to a veterinary hospital, where every effort is made to remove it.
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