Brownie the Bear as a young, dapper Gaucho and his adventures as a South American cowboy.
This short opens showing numerous mice eating all the food in Honey's kitchen and ruining everything in her house. She tires valiantly to run them off but they outsmart her. She makes a phone call and Cubby appears at her door. The mice make quick work of him too. Only a fat cat is able to temporarily stop them but they soon turn on him too. Cubby comes to the aide of the cat but the mice outsmart the both of them. In the end the mice have run off the cat, Honey is gone, and Cubby sits dazed on the floor as the mice cheer their victory.
Cubby the Bear sneaks into the Roxy Opera House on it's opening night and ends up condicting an epic, animal-enacted version of Faust.
Cubby Bear imagines himself living during the the time of the pilgrims.
A Van Beuren "Aesop Fable" cartoon featuring Cubby Bear.
Cubby the Bear participates in a roman chariot race for his girl friend.
Cubby the Bear has to deliver the mail through snow and also save his girl from a evil raccoon.
Cubby The Bear takes his girlfriend to the park where a band plays and they go fishing.
Cubby The Bear is a jockey and prepares to race....
This was not a "Cubby Bear" cartoon. In the cartoon, the lead character is a sheep named Blackie. While this sheep does bear a slight resemblance to Cubby, it has horns and cloven hoofs for hands... but Blackie runs away from home and gets caught and put in a chain gang....
Dentures have gone missing at the Old Lady's Home, and Cubby is called in to investigate. After much sleuthing, he finds the answer: the squirrels have been using them to build a massive nut-processing factory, as nutcrackers and scoops.
Cubby Bear opens a vaudeville booking agency on Tin Pan Alley. The usual assortment of second-rate talent shows up, only to be dispatched through a trap door in this good Cubby Bear cartoon.
A Rube Goldberg-style flying machine transports Cubby to the North Pole, where he ducks an angry polar bear/traffic cop into an igloo/speakeasy which boasts a wild musical floor show.
Cubby rises and shines with the dawn, and, reading a headline, learns that a "mysterious menace" is attacking farms and destroying crops. He uses his ingenuity to uncover the mystery. Cubby and his girlfriend go underground and create a crop of synthetic vegetables in their underground cave-factory, then force them upward through the soil. An evil clothes-wearing opossum conspires to steal the entire load of vegetables in his pickup truck, but Cubby's worm friend tips them off. Cubby bombs the opossum with a pineapple, blowing him sky-high. Beans, peas, and other assorted objects take on lives and personalities of their own.
The classic story of Robin Hood, with Brownie Bear as the prince of thieves.
Cubby the Bear is in move and sings about it....
A mustachioed villain fox and suit-sporting yes-men kidnap Cubby's girlfriend. Cubby pursues them to the old sawmill, where the villain has tied her to a log that is soon to be sawn. A classic good guy vs. bad guy battle to save the girl ensues.
Cubby the Bear goes out into the jungle and capture animals.
Cubby the Bear has to save his girls home and money from the evil banker A. Wolf....