In the year 2090s, a man with blue hair named Horus discovers that he is immortal after being cryogenically frozen. He finds himself in a futuristic city ruled by corrupt politicians and genetic science. As he navigates this new world, he must uncover the truth behind his immortality and stop the corrupt politician from manipulating the future. With the help of a teenage girl, he engages in a thrilling battle against the forces of corruption.
In Chiller, a cryogenics experiment goes wrong, resulting in the resurrection of the dead. As chaos ensues, a group of people must fight to survive and uncover the truth behind the sinister experiment.
In a dystopian future, the world has been devastated by a fictional war. The remaining survivors live in underground bunkers, struggling to find food and survive. The protagonist, a scavenger, stumbles upon a mysterious encrypted puzzle that holds the key to a hidden sanctuary. As they decode the puzzle, they encounter androids, holograms, and deadly traps. Along the way, they learn about the mind transfer technology used by the past civilization and the secrets it holds. Can they overcome these challenges and unlock the secrets of the encrypted puzzle?
This morbid, unusual, and critically acclaimed documentary was filmed in the most exotic locations all over the world. Of the Dead (Des Morts) deals with death, the soon dead, and the living they leave behind. Our senses are shown no mercy as we witness the brutal execution of a Philippine Guerrilla. We are literally taken inside a cremation chamber while a human body melts and finally crumbles into nothingness. We witness-first hand- doctors trying to save a victim of multiple stab wounds, all close up, in graphic detail leaving nothing to the imagination. For those who think they have seen it all, Of the Dead, dares to be seen.
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