In Going Places, two aimless individuals form a criminal duo and embark on a series of misadventures, including sexual obsessions, assaults, and theft. Their anarchic and unconventional journey tests the boundaries of morality and societal norms. Based on the novel, the movie explores themes of rebellion, sexual freedom, and the pursuit of living for the moment. The story delves into darker elements such as rape, molestation, and suicide, while also incorporating moments of humor and hijinks. With its unique blend of comedy and drama, Going Places offers a provocative exploration of relationships and the consequences of living outside the boundaries of the law.
A lascivious boyfriend takes his virginal girlfriend to an adult retreat for a passionate weekend unaware of the camp-ground's history of murder and rape.
A group of friends take a break from their studies, but find themselves pursued through the backwoods of Germany by a savage lunatic.
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