Hidden Agenda is a political thriller set in 1990 and revolves around a police investigation into a political conspiracy. The story involves a blackmail photograph, a government cover-up, and a controversial operation. Detective Harry and Kate, a human rights lawyer, uncover shocking truths about corruption within the police force and the government. The film explores themes of torture, terrorism, and the repercussions of political deception.
A cowboy heads for the town where his father was murdered to find out who was responsible.
Cub reporter Dusty investigates the murder of the District Attorney and stumbles into a plot involving a kidnapping and a crooked election.
Young Jim takes over from his father, political boss Jim Gordon Sr. As ruthless and unfeeling as his dad, Young Jim blocks the efforts by a crusading newspaper to bring about reforms in the city's tenement district. But he comes to regret his intransigence when his father is ruined financially.
Cowboy Ace Cooper, to avoid arrest, becomes a fireman, falls in love with the chief's daughter, Sally Drennan, and wins her in spite of the efforts of a crooked politician to separate them.
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