Scrat, the saber-toothed squirrel, inadvertently sets off a chain of events in his pursuit of an acorn. This leads to a meteor shower threatening to destroy the Ice Age world. Manny, Sid, and Diego embark on a journey to find a way to stop the impending catastrophe.
After 12 years, a playwright returns home to his dysfunctional family to announce his imminent death, only to be met with resentment, small talk, and denial.
Ed is a comedy movie that tells the story of a minor league baseball player who discovers that his new teammate is a chimpanzee named Ed. Together, they form an unlikely friendship and face various challenges on and off the field.
A college student, Cameron Warwick, is found dead after a college party. Jacob is set to figure out what happened to Cameron, along with discovering why he feels so ill himself.
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