Born in Gaza is a powerful documentary that provides an intimate look into the lives of children growing up in the Gaza Strip amidst the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. It explores the devastating impact of war on innocent civilians, with a particular focus on the experiences of children who face the daily realities of violence, loss, and struggle.
How, in November 1945, after the end of the World War II and the fall of the Third Reich, the international prosecutors participating in the first Nuremberg trial —formally, the International Military Tribunal— built their case against the top Nazi war criminals using the films and records produced by the own regime, obsessed with documenting everything in its long path of infamy and crime.
While much of the world struggles to keep the planet going, a frighteningly large group of American fundamentalist Christians are working to promote the apocalypse. The evangelical movement is convinced that they will be saved when Jesus appears in the state of Israel on horseback and, with a sword raised to heaven, kills the infidels so that the blood reaches the horses’ bridles. Natural fires, corona, wars and crises are evidence that the time is nigh. But for the prophecies to be realized, the state of Israel has to grow stronger, so they provide huge financial support and are so far inside the White House that they help influence US foreign policy.
Argentina, 1985, at the trial of the last dictatorship's military juntas. On the stand, the six judges; on one side, the prosecution, and on the other, the military personnel accused of genocide.
After the latest Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, once the bombings cease, the reality of the conflict disappears from the media. The documentary is a trip to Gaza, where through various characters we know the violation of human rights they suffer daily and the post-war blockade and situation that the Palestinian population is trying to survive in the Gaza Strip. A journey through their cities, their people and also, somehow, their history under the occupation of Israel.
A journalist travels to Germany during a trial against former Nazis.
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