Underbelly (2008) is an Australian TV show that explores the world of organized crime, drug abuse, and gang violence. It follows the story of various gangsters, police officers, and detectives as they navigate the criminal underworld and attempt to bring down the crime bosses. The show delves into the intricate dynamics of rival gangs, the power struggles within criminal organizations, and the relentless pursuit of justice by the police. With its gritty storytelling and compelling characters, Underbelly offers a captivating look into the dark and dangerous side of Australia's criminal history.
Identical twin gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray terrorize London during the 1960s. The movie follows their rise to power, their involvement in illegal activities like drugs and protection rackets, and their interactions with influential figures such as members of the House of Parliament. As their empire grows, so do the tensions between the twins, leading to violence and tragedy. Ultimately, their criminal activities catch up to them, and the police, led by detective Nipper Read, work tirelessly to bring them down. The movie ends with Reggie's conviction and eventual release due to cancer, while Ron is declared insane and remains in psychiatric care until his death.
Bad Blood is a crime drama series that tells the true story of the Rizzuto family, an organized crime family in Montreal. The show follows the rise and fall of the family's patriarch, Vito Rizzuto, as he navigates the world of organized crime and seeks to maintain his power and authority. Filled with violence, murder, and intense rivalries, Bad Blood is a gripping portrayal of the underworld of the Canadian mafia.
After his release from prison, a drug lord embarks on a mission to establish his dominance over the criminal underworld in New York City. As he engages in a violent war with rival gangs, he faces challenges and obstacles that threaten his reign.
Drug Lords is a gripping docuseries that tells the true stories of the most notorious drug lords and their criminal empires. Through interviews, reenactments, and never-before-seen footage, the series dives deep into the dangerous underworld of drug trafficking, showcasing the rise and fall of powerful drug kingpins and the violence that plagued their operations. From the ruthless cartels of Mexico to the glamorous drug trade of Colombia, Drug Lords uncovers the gritty reality behind the multi-billion dollar narcotics industry.
Joseph Bologna stars as Bill Bonanno in this made-for-television adaptation of the controversial bestseller from Gay Talese, chronicling the rise of New York's infamous Bonanno organized crime family. When his father disappears in 1964 and Bill is compelled to take over the "empire," other mafiosi attempt to take what's theirs. Brenda Vaccaro and Richard S. Castellano fill out the impressive cast of this gripping crime tale.
A decorated Marine wages war against a Chicago crime lord to protect his ill daughter.
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