In A Christmas Horror Story, a radio host and his team investigate a series of disturbing events that take place on Christmas Eve. The movie intertwines multiple stories including a dysfunctional family encountering a vengeful spirit, a group of teenagers dealing with an abandoned school and a changeling, and Santa Claus battling the evil Krampus. As the night progresses, the horrors escalate, and the characters must fight for their lives.
Grimm Love is a psychological thriller based on the true story of a cannibalistic murder. The movie follows a forensic psychologist who becomes obsessed with the case, diving deep into the mind of the killer. It explores the twisted relationship between the victim and the murderer, delving into themes of morbid curiosity, homosexuality, and the dark depths of human nature.
77 Minutes is a gripping documentary that tells the story of the 1984 mass shooting in a fast food restaurant in San Ysidro, California. The film explores the aftermath of the tragedy and the impact it had on the community.
In the trendy neighborhood of Silverlake, a group of hipsters who work in the film industry become amateur detectives when a young woman is murdered. As they delve into the crime scene and interview suspects, they uncover secrets and unravel a complex web of deceit. With their unique perspective and unconventional methods, the hipsters navigate through the maze of lies to uncover the truth.
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