Xam'd: Lost Memories follows the story of Akiyuki, a teenage boy who lives on Sentan Island. When a mysterious woman gives him a power called Xam'd, he transforms into a powerful creature known as a Humanform. Akiyuki is forced to leave his peaceful life behind and goes on a dangerous adventure to uncover the truth about his existence and the secrets behind the war that has ravaged his world. Along the way, he encounters various friends and enemies, all while struggling to control his newfound powers.
A reportedly dead man haunts his wife and her boyfriend.
Set in the future, a rocket ship from Earth travels to a far universe and touches down on an unknown planet with a mission to exploit its natural resources. However, this is planet is like no other, it seems to be alive.
Peels back the curtain on the two-week, claustrophobic nightmare when passengers and crew members boarded the luxury Diamond Princess cruise ship in January of 2020, they had no idea that the deadly novel coronavirus boarded the ship with them, turning the floating paradise into their worst nightmare.
The film is adapted from the "Life and Death Speed" rescue and treatment of a boy with a broken arm in Hetian, Xinjiang. Doctors, crew members, passengers, policemen and other people from all walks of life in Xinjiang crossed 1,400 kilometers, and the 8-hour relay of life created a miracle of life.
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