The Middle Man is a dark comedy that follows the story of a man who becomes entangled in a series of unfortunate events and mistaken identity. As he navigates through a town filled with quirky characters, he finds himself caught in a web of deception, bad news, and unexpected twists. With his life spiraling out of control, he must find a way to untangle the mess and clear his name.
A troubled gentleman named David ponders whether vegemite can be consumed undiluted without posing a health risk. Meanwhile his friend, a senior government official, returning from an evening, has a car accident and his passenger dies in the accident. He puts the corpse in the driver's seat, but there is a witness. To eliminate this annoying witness, he calls on his David, a physicist, who wants to make it a perfect crime by quantifying the risk taken in each of its stages. And compressing it enough to make the execution of the most improbable.
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