A cartoon deer named Bambi meets his untimely end when he crosses paths with the giant monster, Godzilla. This underground film is known for its absurdism and surrealism, with a minimalistic black-and-white style.
Too Many Cooks is a dark comedy movie that follows the story of a fictional sitcom with a twist. The film takes a surreal and absurdist approach, incorporating elements of comedy, horror, and sci-fi. It features a cast of characters including chefs, superheroes, and a mysterious killer. As the plot unfolds, viewers are taken on a bizarre journey filled with twists, decapitations, and unexpected surprises. The movie's unique concept and clever storytelling make it a must-watch for fans of dark comedies and surrealism.
Kawamoto's animated self-portrait.
In this comedic short film, Cunt Dykula is a vampire who promotes safe sex while navigating hilarious misadventures. The film is a spoof of vampire movies and emphasizes LGBTQ+ themes.
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