When a teenage girl named Lucinda Price starts attending a reform school called Sword & Cross Academy, she soon discovers that she is a fallen angel who has been reincarnated multiple times. As she delves deeper into her past lives, she must also navigate the complexities of love and destiny, all while trying to uncover the truth behind her existence. With the help of her fellow students and a mysterious boy named Daniel, Lucinda uncovers a dark secret that threatens to tear her world apart.
La Création du Monde is among the first animated feature films made in France. But to be exact, the film was animated in Czechoslovakia and directed by Eduard Hofman. It is adapted from a series of five books by Jean Effel, a French caricaturist and illustrator. The visual style is adapted from his drawings. The film is a comedy about the creation of the universe in six days, with the devil messing around and contributing in his own way.
Jaumet is about lo live his most unforgettable adventure. Traveling by car, he arrives in a village whose inhabitants are quite outlandishly, as if they were plunged in a rare carnival behavior.
Genesis: Paradise Lost is a documentary film that explores the biblical story of creation and the concept of young-earth creationism. It delves into topics such as the book of Genesis, the belief in God, and the debate between creationism and evolution. Featuring computer animation and interviews with evangelical Christians, this film examines the connection between religion and science.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the threat of a nuclear war between the USA and Russia has diminished, but the threat posed by nuclear weapons and materials on both sides has increased. As nuclear weapons age, they become unstable and begin to behave in unpredictable ways. This film is the first to go behind the scenes in Arzamas-16 - the Russian nuclear city so secret that it has never appeared on any map - and the American nuclear weapons laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico, to see Russian and American bomb designers working together to reduce the risk. Exclusive archive material.
Do not believe that God alone sees you and rather discover it as you have never seen it...
Every culture has its own idea of how the world began, from a really big bang, to a duck’s egg, to the tears of a god.
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