Profound Desires of the Gods is a drama film set on a remote island in Japan. It explores the complex dynamics and conflicts within a small community, emphasizing themes of incest, Japanese folklore, prostitution, typhoon, and spirit possession. The story follows the struggles faced by the islanders as they grapple with industrialization and exploitation, while trying to maintain their traditional way of life. It delves into taboo subjects such as family incestuous relationships, both between siblings and father-daughter. The film also touches upon the consequences of false accusations and sexual exploitation. With stunning visuals and a haunting atmosphere, this movie provides a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition.
The Californian sun, which lights up the city, lights up again every evening in cinemas all over the world". Guided by these words from Blaise Cendrars, L.A. L.A. END is a stroll through Los Angeles, among the remnants of Hollywood's Golden Age. Following in the footsteps of a Marilyn Monroe lookalike, we meet a gallery of characters who paint a sensitive portrait of a bygone era that gradually becomes a portrait of a woman.
Dramatization of Genesis: titles with Biblical language combined with stock shots.
The creation myths of the Yekuana Indians of the Orinoco region of Venezuela provide a transparent look at the poetic process by which human beings construct meaning from their experience. Narrated by Stan Brakhage. Music and sound by Bruce Odland.
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