In the year 2050, a powerful alien race known as the Zygons launch an attack on Earth. A team of soldiers and scientists must join forces to stop the impending alien invasion and save humanity. As they engage in a cosmic battle, they face various challenges including crash-landing on a hostile planet and open fire against the alien spacecraft. With futuristic weapons and advanced technology, they fight to protect the human race from annihilation.
During a war between humans and an alien race called the Dracs, a pilot and a Drac soldier crash-land on an alien planet. Initially hostile towards each other, they eventually develop a bond and must rely on each other to survive the harsh environment and the dangers that await them.
Aelita, a Martian queen, falls in love with a Russian engineer who traveled to Mars. Meanwhile, on Earth, a group of revolutionaries plan to overthrow the government. The movie explores themes of class differences, political struggle, and space exploration.
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