Spun is a dark comedy that follows the misadventures of Ross, a drug addict who gets caught up in a whirlwind of chaotic events. Ross finds himself involved in a drug deal, encounters eccentric characters, and navigates through a haze of drugs and insanity. With a fast-paced narrative and strong performances, Spun takes audiences on a wild ride through the underbelly of drug culture.
A lonely and socially awkward man named Christopher receives an invitation to a Halloween party. Excited to have plans for the night, he attends the party, only to discover that it is actually a murder party organized by a group of twisted individuals. As the night progresses, Christopher becomes the target of the killers and must find a way to survive. The movie is a dark comedy filled with satirical elements.
Stanley Kubrick's Boxes is a documentary that explores the life and work of renowned film director Stanley Kubrick. Through interviews, photographs, and archival footage, the film delves into Kubrick's creative process, his relationships with actors and collaborators, and the impact of his films on the world of cinema. The documentary also sheds light on Kubrick's personal life, including his reclusive nature and his dedication to his craft.
Two amateur filmmakers attempt to make a documentary about the legendary underground "phone-work artist" Longmont Potion Castle, who, since 1988, has released sixteen albums of hilariously surreal phone pranks. Despite a semi-successful crowdfunding campaign and the involvement of celebrity fans, the filmmakers succumb to their own infighting and bad luck, abandoning the project. A year later, the unpaid camera operator liberates the raw footage and finishes the film.
Curmudgeons is a comedy short film that tells the story of an old man living in a retirement home in Brooklyn, New York City. Despite his cranky personality, he forms a heartwarming friendship with a young boy. The film explores themes of lgbt, octogenarian life, and old-age romance.
After cantankerous and miserly Herbert Kalness insults his daughter's fiance and prospective in-laws at a dinner party, Mrs. Kalness devises a scheme to teach her husband a lesson in good manners.
An increasing number of people in Germany no longer want anything to do with their state. A mixture of idiosyncrats and anti-system activists are turning their backs on the Federal Republic. How did the "Reichsbürger" movement become radical? What are their motives? What emerges is a European community of anarchists, businessmen, esotericists and adventurers - between a self-declared fight for freedom and obstinacy.
The murderer came from the neighborhood: On February 19, 2020, an assassin shot and killed nine young people for racist motives in Hanau. Survivors and relatives report how they experienced the night of the crime and the months after it and how they defend themselves against the logic of the perpetrator who wanted to make them strangers in their own homeland. Since that February night, they have been fighting for the memory of the victims and for clarifying what happened. And they ask many pressing questions about the night of the crime and the perpetrator that no one has wanted to answer so far. The documentary consistently looks at the crime from the perspective of the bereaved and uses their stories to tell about troublesome life of a citizen of foreign descent in Germany today, about inequality and about the everyday racism of the authorities and educational institutions.
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