Jerry is a strange and solitary boy who lives with his young neglectful mother in a run down apartment. He spends his weekends hidden away in his bedroom making model figurines and watching TV alone. While investigating a damp stain on his bedroom wall, Jerry peels off some wallpaper, revealing a seductive alien orifice growing behind the plaster. After spending an ever increasing amount of time in his bedroom exploring and inspecting the alien creature, Jerry embarks on his first sexual experience. After numerous encounters between Jerry and the creature, it becomes pregnant. Filled with panic and guilt, Jerry attempts to abort the alien creature, leading to a horrific outcome which neither himself nor his mother will ever forget.
The Fool tells the story of a plumber who discovers a crack in the foundation of an apartment building in Russia. As he tries to convince the authorities to evacuate the building and save the residents, he faces corruption, a domineering wife, and a lack of money. Can he prevent a tragedy from unfolding?
This film explores the distant relationship between an elderly amateur musician, the woman who lives in the apartment above him, and the leaky bathtub that is bothering them both.
A man is standing in the scene when a fly arrives and begins to irritate him. He tries to swat the fly, but it keeps growing bigger to the point where it shatters the scene. Eventually, the man and the fly decide to negotiate.
The story of a likely unlikely friendship between a boy called Boston and his pet scorpion Chester.
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