The PJs is a stop-motion animated sitcom that follows the lives of the diverse residents living in a public housing project. The show uses humor to address serious social issues such as racism, poverty, and prejudice. Through the lens of comedy, it offers a satirical commentary on inner-city life and explores the challenges faced by the African-American community.
Daniel Craig's character is a middle-man drug dealer planning his early retirement when his boss gives him a dangerous assignment. He must find a missing girl hooked on cocaine and negotiate the purchase of stolen pills. Along the way, he faces threats from vengeful Serbians, a rival drug dealer, and a police informant. In a twist of betrayal and violence, he ultimately loses everything and is killed.
A hitman and his stepmother develop an unconventional romance while carrying out a mission of murder. Their relationship is tested as they navigate through crimes, domestic violence, and their own personal demons.
30 Days of Night: Blood Trails is a 7-part miniseries that was released on and FEARnet On Demand that acts as a prequel to the films 30 Days of Night and 30 Days of Night: Dark Days. Set two days before the events in the first film, the series focuses on George, a young addict who makes a living seeking covert information for Judith, the weary but wise New Orleans, Louisiana vampire hunter. It is based on a subplot of the original comic that was left out of the movie.
Life Support is a movie that tells the story of a woman who battles drug addiction and eventually becomes an advocate for AIDS patients. Based on a true story, the film explores her journey of recovery and activism.
Three muralists (one Chicano, one Black, one American Indian) and the socially-maladjusted cousin of the Chicano muralist set off on a road trip with the intent of painting their images on the White House. Along the way they meet a mysterious Black woman. Together, these four men and one woman encounter racism, sexism, internal conflicts, and finally redemption as they discover their common humanity and their internal ability to conquer the societal ills that effect them all.
On the dawn of a zombie outbreak an undercover drug deal goes wrong forcing the cop, the dealer, and others urban misfits to take refuge in the last safe place in the city - a Crack House.
Soloman Crow pays a visit to his god fearing, bible quoting, closeted homosexual brother and his sexually repressed wife. He enters their home with a proclamation to kick a drug habit that almost cost him his life. Broke, it doesn't take Soloman long to start conning and scheming his way around the city to feed his ravenous cravings for dope and sex. Even his brother's wife isn't immune to Soloman's mind games... If you want a hero with redeeming qualities, look somewhere else.
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