This documentary explores the life of Adam West, known for his iconic role as Batman in the 1960s TV series. It delves into his upbringing in Walla Walla, Washington, his relationships with his parents, his rise to fame, and his impact on comic book fandom. The film also features interviews, archive footage, and a tribute to West's legacy.
A gang of outlaws gather at a desert saloon after robbing a bank. However, the loot is missing and paranoia sets in, as the outlaws start knocking each other off
French filmmaker Jean Delannoy directs this inspiring sequel to his biopic about Marie-Bernarde Soubirous (portrayed by Sydney Penny), a young shepherdess who claimed to have seen numerous apparitions of the Lady in White at Lourdes in 1858. Chronicling Bernadette's years with the Sisters of Charity of Nevers convent, the film traces her life from age 22 until her untimely death from tuberculosis at age 35.
Poodles loses a job working at a car dealer so he gets a job working for the Hardly Able Cab Company. How he got from driving a cab to fighting with a horse is an odd and contrived situation, though the horse appears to be his co-star from CIRCUS DAZE.
In the mid 1990's Jane and Jackie Sicole went on an unprecedented killing spree sparked by the rape and murder of their sister Janice. Young men from across the country (some inanely misogynistic and others completely innocent) were slaughtered-strangled, stabbed and even dismembered by the blood-lust of these two mentally deranged siblings. Now in 2016 the killing spree continues-only it isn't the Sicole Sisters responsible for the current murders, but rather their psychopathic followers-a full-fledged cult that has assembled to honor the sisters and their vicious vendetta.
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