In a dystopian future, an undercover cop becomes addicted to a dangerous drug and struggles to maintain his identity. As he infiltrates the drug scene, he develops romantic feelings for a woman who refuses his advances, leading to paranoia and confusion. Eventually, he discovers that he himself is the target of surveillance and his true identity is revealed. He goes through withdrawal and is sent to a rehabilitation center, where he uncovers the truth about a corporation behind the drug. Despite his damaged state, he plans to expose them.
In 'I Married a Strange Person!', a newlywed couple experiences a series of strange and absurd events that challenge their relationship. From magical transformations and supernatural powers to musical numbers and absurd comedy, this film takes viewers on a wild and unpredictable ride.
Human Experiments (1979) is a crime, horror, and thriller movie that revolves around the twisted world of a women's prison. The innocent woman protagonist finds herself trapped in a facility where horrifying human experiments take place. As she navigates the cruel and dangerous environment, she must uncover the truth behind the mass murders and gruesome acts. With themes of psychological torture, mind control, and the fight for survival, this movie delivers a chilling and disturbing narrative.
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