Tobacco Road is a comedic drama set in rural Georgia, revolving around a family's struggles to survive amidst poverty and a pending eviction. The story follows their quirky and sometimes reckless antics as they navigate various challenges, including sin, hiding, and a race against time. With a mix of southern gothic elements and heartwarming moments, this film offers a unique portrayal of life in the backwoods.
Reeling from a break-up, professional over-planner Gwen pitches in to help put the finishing touches on her best friend’s wedding. But when she's teamed up with best man Josh, a free-spirited nature guide, she finds that pulling together this wedding might not be as easy as she thought.
Hoppy, California and Lucky take refuge from a storm inside a supposedly abandoned church outside a ghost town, only to meet a young woman and her mother there, then find themselves surrounded by a gang of "workmen" intent on tearing down the church if they have to kill the five to do it.
The Andrews Sisters harmonize their way through yet another 60-minute Universal musical quickie. The plot this time concerns a Lonely Hearts club which is used as a front by con artist Colonel Winchester (Charles Butterworth). Trying to promote a phony formula for synthetic rubber, Winchester gets mixed up with diligent young DA Tony Warren (Patric Knowles) and lady detective Linda Marlowe (Grace McDonald).
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