EastEnders is a British soap opera that follows the lives of various families and individuals in the fictional East London neighborhood of Walford. The show explores a wide range of social and cultural issues, including crime, drama, romance, and topical issues such as domestic abuse, racism, and HIV. It portrays the everyday lives of its diverse characters, showcasing their struggles, relationships, and triumphs.
Sweet Sixteen tells the story of Liam, a teenage boy living in Greenock, Scotland. With his mother in prison, Liam dreams of moving his family into a better life. He resorts to drug dealing and smuggling to earn money, but as his criminal activities escalate, he finds himself entangled in a dangerous web. Determined to protect his family, Liam must navigate betrayal, violence, and the complexities of coming of age.
Rita, Sue and Bob Too is a British sex comedy set in Northern England. It follows the story of two schoolgirls who enter into a love affair with an older man. As their relationships with him and each other become more complicated, they navigate the challenges of working-class life and the consequences of their actions.
A television reporter stumbles upon a bomb, triggering a chain reaction of events that forces Johan Falk and his team to go up against a powerful assassin and a ruthless Russian gang.
Spring and Port Wine tells the story of a curmudgeon father and his rebellious teenage daughter as they navigate their dysfunctional family relationships in an industrial town in England. The film explores themes of obedience to authority, teenage rebellion, and the generation gap.
The Spirit of '45 is a documentary that delves into the social and political changes that occurred in Britain after the end of World War II. It explores the implementation of key reforms such as the creation of the National Health Service, nationalization of industries, and the establishment of a welfare state. The film also examines the impact of these changes on the working class, highlighting issues such as housing shortages, the class struggle, and the rise of Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Party.
In the Canadian Northwest, the Chippewa tribe struggles to find food before the onset of winter.
Observational documentary series about social housing tenants across the UK looking to exchange homes, following individuals and families as they search for their ideal properties.
When a man is released from prison for his involvement in a white nationalist gang, he begins to uncover the truth behind his troubled past with violent consequences.
Memorable attack by the southern Irish government on sectarian Northern housing policies in Fintona, Co. Tyrone.
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