Shameless is a dark comedy TV show that follows the lives of the Gallagher family, a dysfunctional group of individuals living on a housing estate in Manchester. The show explores themes of poverty, self-destruction, and family problems, while also incorporating humor and melodrama. It revolves around Frank Gallagher, an alcoholic father, and his six children who often find themselves in various scams and absurd situations. The show provides a raw and raunchy portrayal of working-class life in Northern England.
Birds of a Feather is a long-running British sitcom that follows the lives of two sisters, Sharon and Tracey, who live on a council estate in Chigwell. The show features their humorous misadventures, along with their interaction with their eccentric next-door neighbor, Dorien. The series touches on various comedic themes including marriage, affairs, and life on the suburbs.
Only Fools and Horses is a beloved comedy TV show that follows the adventures of the Trotter family, a working-class British family involved in various schemes and trading. The show revolves around the lives of Del Boy, the ambitious and street-smart older brother, and Rodney, the naive and well-meaning younger brother. Together with their eccentric grandfather and their loyal friends, they navigate the ups and downs of life in their council estate, constantly striving for success and a better life. With its witty dialogue, memorable catchphrases, and heartwarming family dynamics, Only Fools and Horses has become a cult classic that continues to entertain audiences to this day.
Mark Renton, who has been living abroad for 20 years, returns to Scotland and reconnects with his old friends Sick Boy, Spud, and Begbie. As they navigate their complicated relationships and confront their troubled pasts, they become involved in blackmail, drugs, and criminal activities. Ultimately, they must confront their own demons and make choices that will determine their futures.
A teen gang in South London, led by Moses, defends their block from an alien invasion. After encountering a small alien creature, they realize that larger, more dangerous aliens have invaded their neighborhood. They must come together and fight to protect their home and their lives.
Rita, Sue and Bob Too is a British sex comedy set in Northern England. It follows the story of two schoolgirls who enter into a love affair with an older man. As their relationships with him and each other become more complicated, they navigate the challenges of working-class life and the consequences of their actions.
In Sickness and in Health is a British sitcom that follows the life of Alf Garnett, a grumpy old man living in London, England. After the death of his wife, Alf struggles with his abrasive personality as he navigates through life. The show explores themes of religion, racism, and family dynamics with a touch of humor.
After being released from prison, a man returns to his council estate in London and tries to rebuild his life. He faces challenges in reconnecting with his family, dealing with his past as a drug dealer, and finding his place in a society that is reluctant to give him a second chance.
Nil by Mouth follows the lives of a working-class family in South London, focusing on the destructive impact of addiction, domestic violence, and the hardships they face in their daily lives. The story delves into themes of drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness, and the breakdown of family relationships.
In the Dark follows a police officer who becomes blind after a shooting and is determined to solve a murder case, tapping into her own unconventional methods.
Beautiful Thing is a beautiful and touching story about Jamie, a shy teenage boy living in a London housing estate. He develops a close friendship and eventually a romantic relationship with his neighbor Ste, as they navigate their identities and explore their sexuality together.
A man returns to his hometown to seek revenge on a group of people who were responsible for the abuse and torment of his mentally disabled brother. The film explores themes of cruelty, brutality, and the effects of violence.
Joseph, a violent man haunted by his past, forms an unlikely friendship with a Christian charity shop worker, leading to a chance at redemption.
Seven Up! is a documentary film that explores the lives of 14 British children from diverse backgrounds. It follows them from the age of 7 and revisits them every seven years, providing a unique insight into their personal stories and the impact of social factors on their lives.
Fish Tank is a powerful drama that explores the challenges faced by a teenage girl living in a dysfunctional family. The story follows Mia, a 15-year-old girl with a passion for dancing who struggles to find her place in the world. Living in a council estate in Essex, Mia faces a tumultuous relationship with her alcoholic mother, her boyfriend's sudden presence, and the hardships of growing up in a tough environment. As she navigates her way through adolescence, Mia must confront issues of love, betrayal, and self-discovery.
Sweet Sixteen tells the story of Liam, a teenage boy living in Greenock, Scotland. With his mother in prison, Liam dreams of moving his family into a better life. He resorts to drug dealing and smuggling to earn money, but as his criminal activities escalate, he finds himself entangled in a dangerous web. Determined to protect his family, Liam must navigate betrayal, violence, and the complexities of coming of age.
All or Nothing is a comedy-drama film set in South London, focusing on the lives of working-class individuals. The story revolves around their struggles with loneliness, marital problems, and financial hardships. The film explores themes of love, relationships, and the impact of everyday life on the characters. It portrays the challenges faced by the characters as they navigate through their own personal dramas and seek happiness.
How to Build a Girl is a coming-of-age comedy about a working-class teenager named Johanna Morrigan, who yearns to escape her council estate life and become a successful music critic. She reinvents herself as Dolly Wilde, a confident and witty persona who quickly gains recognition in the music industry. Along her journey, Johanna grapples with the challenges of her new job, navigates complicated family relationships, and experiences a sexual awakening that shapes her identity as a teenage girl.
Ray & Liz is a drama movie set in 1980s Birmingham. It portrays the struggles of a working-class family dealing with alcoholism, child neglect, and the harsh realities of life in a council estate. The story revolves around Ray and Liz, their troubled relationship, and their neglected children. The movie takes a raw and gritty approach to depict the harshness of their lives, leaving a lasting impact on the viewers.
Tony is a drama thriller movie released in 2009. The film follows the story of a man named Tony who lives in a London tower block. He is a recluse and spends his time watching VHS videos. Tony's life takes a dark turn when he becomes a suspect in a murder investigation. As the police close in on him, Tony's life unravels further, revealing the twisted and violent reality of his existence.