The King of Queens is a sitcom comedy that revolves around Doug Heffernan, a delivery man working in Queens, New York City. The show primarily focuses on the dynamics of Doug's dysfunctional marriage with his wife, Carrie Heffernan. The couple lives with Carrie's father, Arthur Spooner, in their basement, which often leads to comedic situations. The show explores various themes like jealousy, friendship, and the challenges of living with in-laws. With its observational comedy and sarcastic humor, The King of Queens has become a cult TV show loved by many.
My Wife and Kids is a sitcom that follows the lives of the Kyle family. Michael Kyle, a loving husband and father, tries to balance his work and family life while dealing with everyday challenges and humorous situations. The show explores the dynamics of a modern African-American family and tackles various relatable topics with humor and heart.
The Wayans Bros. is a sitcom comedy that follows the lives of two brothers, Shawn and Marlon Wayans, as they navigate the ups and downs of living together in New York City. The show explores their misadventures, sibling rivalry, and their comedic interactions with friends and family. With plenty of laughter and silliness, The Wayans Bros. showcases the unique bond between brothers and the challenges of building a life in the big city.
Martin, a radio DJ in Detroit, navigates through life with his friends and deals with relationships, career challenges, and hilarious situations. The show revolves around Martin's comedic antics, his romantic escapades, and his dynamic interactions with his best friend and neighbor.
Beavis and Butt-head follows the misadventures of two socially inept teenagers who spend their time watching TV, getting into trouble, and engaging in crude and often politically incorrect humor.
Hollywood Game Night is a comedic television game show where celebrities compete in various party games to win a grand prize of $25,000. Each episode features different celebrity guests who participate in games such as charades, trivia, and word play. The show is filled with laughter, cheers, and entertaining moments as the contestants face off in a friendly competition.
Arthur Dent is saved from Earth's destruction by his friend Ford Prefect and together they embark on a intergalactic adventure.
Planet Terror is an action-packed horror movie set in a post-apocalyptic world where a group of survivors battle against flesh-eating zombies. The chaos ensues after a military experiment goes horribly wrong, turning humans into zombies. As the survivors fight to stay alive, they face various challenges, including an evil doctor and his army of undead. With non-stop action, gore, and dark humor, Planet Terror is a thrilling ride through the zombie apocalypse.
Big Comfy Couch is a delightful comedy TV show that follows the adventures of a clown named Loonette and her living doll, Molly. Together, they explore imaginative and creative activities while teaching important life lessons. Set in the 1990s, the show takes place on a big comfy couch, which serves as the central hub for Loonette and Molly's adventures.
The members of a dysfunctional family find themselves mysteriously trapped in an antiquated furniture store when their elderly matriarch suddenly refuses to get up from one of the display couches.
Anne, a game-show-obsessed woman, joins forces with her rebellious sister Jenny to pay off their mother's gambling debts. When a video of Anne answering quiz questions goes viral, a loan shark kidnaps their dog as ransom. To get their pet back, Anne must compete on her favorite game show and win. Along the way, Jenny reveals hidden truths and the sisters reconcile, eventually achieving financial stability and a new home together.
Inside Llewyn Davis follows a week in the life of a young singer named Llewyn Davis as he tries to make a name for himself in the Greenwich Village folk scene of 1961. Despite his talent, Llewyn faces numerous obstacles including financial struggles, homelessness, and personal relationships that add to his despair. As he faces rejection and searches for his identity in the midst of a changing music landscape, Llewyn's journey highlights the harsh reality of pursuing a career in the music industry.
In 1959, Truman Capote learns of a murder case in Kansas and decides to write a book about it. He forms a relationship with one of the killers on death row while conducting research. As Capote delves deeper into the case, he becomes emotionally attached to the killer. The appeals process drags on for years, and Capote struggles to complete his book. Eventually, he obtains the information he needs but realizes his own callousness in the process. With the last appeal rejected, Capote witnesses the execution and reflects on his inability to stop it. Despite the success of his book, Capote is consumed by his own misery and never finishes another book.
Look Who's Talking Too is a hilarious comedy that follows the lives of Mikey and his new baby sister Julie. Mikey must navigate the challenges of sibling rivalry, potty training, and family dynamics, all while dealing with his own wild imagination. With a mix of romance, adventure, and plenty of laughs, this movie is perfect for the whole family.
In Two Night Stand, a man and woman find themselves trapped together in an apartment after a one-night stand. As they wait out a snowstorm, they navigate through awkward conversations, unexpected intimacy, and ultimately discover a deeper connection.
Beauty Shop follows the life of a hairdresser named Gina, who opens up her own beauty salon in Atlanta with her supportive friends and coworkers. Along the way, she navigates through the challenges of owning a small business, dealing with diverse clients, and confronting issues of racism and discrimination. Through humor and heartwarming moments, Gina proves that with determination and a strong support system, anything is possible.
B.A. Pass is a neo-noir film that follows the story of a young man in New Delhi who turns to prostitution after losing his parents. He becomes embroiled in a world of crime, drama, and thrill as he navigates the complexities of his new lifestyle.
Marmaduke, a mischievous Great Dane, moves to Orange County, California with his family. With his playful and clumsy nature, Marmaduke causes chaos and often gets into trouble. As he tries to fit in and navigate the challenges of a new neighborhood, hilarious adventures unfold. Will Marmaduke learn to be a well-behaved dog or will his antics continue to create mayhem?
After being stabbed by a student, a science teacher survives and moves to a new school where he must confront the challenges of working in an inner-city environment plagued by violence and chaos. As he tries to connect with his students and make a positive impact, he faces numerous obstacles and dangers.
Twisted (2004) follows a detective investigating a series of murders that lead him to confront his own twisted past. As he delves deeper into the case, he becomes entangled in a web of lies, deception, and betrayal. With each twist and turn, the truth becomes more elusive, and the line between right and wrong begins to blur.