In Problem Child 3, the third installment of the Problem Child film series, a mischievous boy wreaks havoc on his family, causing chaos and hilarity. With his trouble-making ways and knack for getting into trouble, he tests the patience of his parents and those around him. As the story unfolds, the boy finds himself in various comedic situations, from causing chaos at school to creating mischief at home. Will he learn to behave, or will his mischievous nature continue to cause mayhem?
All I Want for Christmas is a charming holiday film about a young girl who tries to reunite her divorced parents for Christmas and bring holiday cheer to everyone around her.
During the American Civil War, a group of young Texans, including escaped slaves and prisoners, join the Confederate Army and journey to Shiloh, encountering various challenges along the way.
A vengeful and evil witch puts Prinsipe Abante's (Rene Requiestas) loving father in a deep coma-and the only cure to the king's strange illness is the sweet song of the legendary Ibong Adarna.
An old doctor hires a young new doctor to join his practice, particularly to attract women for more business.
A story of love, lust, violence and murder on a sadistic southern plantation during the slave era.
Coming Out reveals that the debutante tradition is alive and well.
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