In the Kingdom of Rosas, a young girl named Asha wishes on a star and gets a trouble-making star as her companion. Together, they uncover the truth about the corrupt ruler, Magnifico, who erases the memories of the citizens' wishes. They embark on a mission to recover the ungranted wishes and free the people of Rosas. With the help of her friends and the power of wishes, Asha defeats Magnifico and vows to continue granting wishes justly.
In 1984 East Berlin, an agent of the secret police becomes increasingly absorbed by the lives of a writer and his lover while conducting surveillance. As he uncovers the truth about their loyalty to the party and their illicit relationship, he must decide where his allegiances lie. Set against the backdrop of a surveillance state and the looming threat of the Berlin Wall, this political thriller explores themes of loyalty, freedom, and the power of art.
After losing his wife and daughter in a tragic event, a college professor embarks on a mission to seek vigilante justice against corrupt officials. Armed with his knowledge in computer science and fighting skills, he takes on multiple adversaries and kidnappers, determined to bring them to justice. His journey is fueled by vengeance and his fight against corruption.
Mutant Aliens is a surreal and mature animated comedy that takes place in space. It follows the story of an astronaut who encounters mutant aliens on an asteroid.
In 'Police State (2023)', a conservative film made by Dinesh D'Souza, the story revolves around the allegation that the US Government is weaponized against all Christians and republicans. It claims that the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Secret Service are all corrupt, and portrays Trump as the only man who can stop it. The film presents a right-wing propaganda viewpoint, highlighting paranoia and fearmongering.
328 / 5 000 The Kremlin's strategy consists of infiltrating places of power throughout Europe and securing the services of more or less lucid personalities, more or less aware of what is going on.
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