Dark Waters is a biographical drama based on the true story of corporate defense attorney Rob Bilott, who takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company. As he investigates the case, he uncovers a dark secret regarding water pollution and chemical contamination, leading to a long legal battle with a powerful corporation. The movie highlights the importance of environmental protection and the fight against corporate corruption.
An intensely personal drama based on one of Australia's most shocking corporate scandals, Devil's Dust tells the story of ordinary Australians caught in a web of deception in the James Hardie asbestos saga. Spanning four decades, Devil's Dust shows how industrial manufacturer James Hardie first covered up its knowledge of the dangers of its asbestos mining and products and then threaten compensation plans by moving the company overseas.
After the Terra dei Fuochi scandal, we became aware of the presence of toxic industrial waste in Southern Italy. Not only is the whole of Europe contaminated, but the rest of the planet as well.
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