Oceans (2009) is a captivating documentary that explores the wonders of the deep sea, focusing on marine life, habitats, and the impact of human activities. Dive into a world teeming with fascinating creatures such as fish, whales, eels, crabs, and more, while uncovering the challenges they face due to pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction. Experience breathtaking underwater footage, learn about fascinating migration patterns, and witness the beauty and fragility of our oceans.
Retrace the groundbreaking footsteps of Charles Darwin with a young scientist as she explores the biological diversity and unique geologic history of the Galapagos archipelago. Using the magic of IMAX® and IMAX® 3D technology, plunge 3,000 feet into underground lava tubes, soar over the peaks of 5,000 foot volcanoes and encounter an abundance of marine life.
Day & Night follows the lives of various characters whose paths intersect through a series of interconnected events. The film delves into themes of love, loneliness, and the choices we make in life.
Seal Island is a 1948 American documentary film directed by James Algar. It won an Academy Award in 1949 for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel).
Believing that he killed his daughter instead of saving her from kidnappers, Zhang Li is dismantled. He finds himself lured to China seeking solace in pain and blood at Paradise Hotel where every carnal and beastly desire is satiated. With a savage boss, the terrifying Burnt Man at the helm of the underground brothel, no perversion is turned away.
Through several interlocking stories, including the story of maritime commerce and the ships that move cargo through the inland waterway, Mysteries of the Great Lakes will take you on a journey through the greatest lake system in the world, and showcase the amazing geography, ecology, science, and history of the region.
The picture opens with a deer nursing her fawns. We see a young deer being fed cigarettes; a raccoon picking the pockets of a man for sugar ; a raccoon carefully washing and eating an egg. Then we have the nocturnal kinkajou, and following that an anteater whose specialized tongue makes quick work of a heap of ants. The anteater carries her young whether she is walking or hanging by her prehensile tail. Looking up through a glass, we see a Pacific pocket mouse eating sunflower seeds. A cormorant swallows a large fish. An iguana kills a vulture after shedding its tail which still wiggles like a live snake. The film closes with a dramatic fight between the iguana and a puma
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