In 1973, a young boy grows up in Long Island, navigating relationships with his deadbeat father, his college-graduate mother, and his eccentric extended family. Seeking guidance and a sense of belonging, he finds solace in the local bar and forms a bond with its bartender, who becomes a father figure to him. As he struggles to find his place in the world, he becomes more and more determined to break free from the limitations of his upbringing and pursue his dreams of becoming a writer.
A newspaper editor deals with a particularly stressful day in the newsroom.
Slip and the gang stray from newspaper work to detective work.
Monty Milde, would-be newspaper reporter, stumbles into a high-profile kidnapping mystery.
The alert atmosphere of a large-city newspaper office and its giant presses combines with the back-stage atmosphere of the theatre, set against the sinister shadow of a bootleg gang and the glitter of a big musical comedy "first night" in a whirlwind of dramatic action. A hot-shot newspaper reporter and a Broadway show-girl provide the romance.
On a slow news day, the wisecracking staff of a newspaper write articles about the serious safety issues of a local excursion steamboat line.
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